1. The Root Chakra (Manipura)
From a spiritual point of view, it is considered the lowest chakra and is located just above the genitals, at the level of the symphysis pubis. Physically, it is the chakra that governs reproduction, sexuality, blind energy and all kinds of instinct, and is associated with the gonads. Spiritually, it is what offers eroticism, courage, dynamism and determination, but also fury, rage and perversion if blocked or left unchecked. Its color is red.
Stones: red coral, onyx, obsidian, heliotrope (bloodstone), tourmaline, garnet, jasper.
2. The Spleen Chakra (Svadisthana)
This chakra is located right in the middle of the distance between the navel and the pubic bone. It is connected to the glands that produce adrenaline and cortisone, substances very important for the balance of the body, especially during periods of intense activity. The stress of modern life exhausts these glands, so it is necessary to train the Spleen Chakra to enable them to function better. Spiritually, it is the chakra that controls fear and depression. Its color is orange.
Stones: carnelian, garnet, tiger's eye.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Muladhara)
It is located about five centimeters above the navel. It is related to the pancreas, the gland that secretes insulin. Disharmony in this gland can cause stomach upsets, obesity, anxiety, and even diabetes. Spiritually, it rules the lower intellect, what we commonly call "intelligence," "memory," or "ingenuity," but also any pursuit of our lower self, such as the pursuit of achievement or financial independence. Its color is yellow.
Stones: citrine, topaz, amber, fire opal, tiger's eye.
4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
It is located at the level of the heart, but in the center of the chest, on the imaginary neck-navel axis. It is related to the thymus gland which regulates the growth of the body and possibly the creation of antibodies for the body's resistance to germs. Its malfunction can cause allergies, reduced body resistance. poor physical development and, in extreme cases, dwarfism or gigantism (of course, in cases of congenital diseases). Spiritually, it is related to the feeling of altruistic love towards fellow human beings and towards nature in general. Its color is green.
Stones: rose quartz, rhodonite, green agate, amazonite, green opal.
5. The Throat Chakra (Visuddha)
Βρίσκεται στη μέση περίπου του λάρυγγα. Ελέγχει του θυρεοειδή, έναν από τους σημαντικότερους ενδοκρινείς αδένες του οργανισμού, ο οποίος με τη σειρά του ελέγχει τον μεταβολισμό. Το τσάκρα αυτό είναι πολύ ευαίσθητο και μπορεί εύκολα να μπλοκάρει από κάθε έντονη αρνητική σκέψη, φοβία ή άγχος, με αποτέλεσμα τη δυσλειτουργία και του αδένα. Πνευματικά, σχετίζεται με τα υψηλά ιδανικά, τους στόχους της ζωής και την κατανόηση των πιο συμπαντικών σημείων τους. Το χρώμα του είναι το γαλάζιο.
Stones: Turquoise , Chalcedony, Blue Agate, Aquamarine, Haolite, Kyanite
6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
It is located on the forehead, right between the eyebrows and two centimeters higher. It is related to the pineal gland of the brain, a gland about which little is still known, but which seems to play a role in the general well-being of the body. The famous "Third Eye" from which it has taken its name, is considered a spiritual organ which can "open", after some spiritual and mental evolution of the individual, and give images and impressions of the higher and immaterial worlds. Many Hindu priests or philosophers have permanently placed a gem in this location in order to aid the functioning of the third eye. Spiritually it relates to extrasensory experiences and the higher spirit that escapes the earthly and seeks knowledge and fulfillment beyond this world. Its color is deep blue.
Stones: sodalite, lapis lazuli, azurite, sapphire.
7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Βρίσκεται ακριβώς στο κέντρο της κορυφής του κεφαλιού. Σχετίζεται με την υπόφυση του εγκεφάλου, τον σημαντικότερο ίσως από όλους τους αδένες, ο οποίος ρυθμίζει όλη τη λειτουργία του σώματος. Πνευματικά, συνδέεται με τον Ανώτερο Εαυτό μας, δηλαδή το κομμάτι του εαυτού μας που αποτελεί αναλλοίωτο τμήμα του θείου, αυτό που αποκαλούμε "αθάνατη ψυχή". Η αλήθεια, η ευθύνη και η αντίληψη της ολότητας της φύσης και της ζωής είναι τα χαρίσματα που μας προσφέρει το τσάκρα αυτό, όταν λειτουργεί σωστά. Μέσα από αυτό περνούν όλες εκείνες οι αόρατες ενέργειες που έρχονται από ψηλά και που, ανάλογα με τη θρησκεία στην οποία πιστεύει ο καθένας, θα μπορούσαν να ονομαστούν "Θεία Χάρη", "βοήθεια από τους θεούς", "επικοινωνία με τον Ουράνιο μας Πατέρα"... Το χρώμα του είναι το μοβ.
Stones: diamond , white quartz, amethyst, labradorite, moonstone.